Need to improve productivity and want to know what's possible?
An Op-tec Intelligence Report™ details the gaps between your current operations and those required to deliver your company’s strategic objectives.
We meet with senior management and operations staff then perform a high level audit of your manufacturing operations. Then spend time determining the improvements which will deliver your objectives for the minimum investment. Fully costed and justified business cases will be provided for all recommended actions.
During the audit we aim to discover areas where improvements will provide the greatest benefits This includes anything representing significant risk to your business such as manufacturing downtime, product quality or any safety issues as well as those which deliver efficiency savings or increase capacity.
Our auditing process covers:
- Staff & organisation
- Order processing
- Technologies
- Goods in
- Operational processes
- Manufacturing safety
- Production efficiency
- Storage and goods out
Shortly after the audit we will then provide you with a completed Intelligence Report™. This lists all questions raised during the audit, with the answers you provided and our recommendations for improvements All information necessary to build a robust business case and justification in one document.

Is it for you?
Need to improve productivity and want to know what's possible?
An Op-tec Intelligence Report™ gives you a high-level review of your current situation and an automation strategy capable of delivering the results you're after.
What will it do for you?
Equip you to justify the budget required to achieve your objectives, demonstrate to stakeholders automation investment is needed, and ensure your automation strategy complements other capital investment.
What do you get?
A high-level report giving an automation strategy aligned with your business objectives. Detailed recommendations for technology which may be installed incrementally or as a turn-key project.
How to get started?
Get in touch if you want to find out more, or to arrange your Op-tec Intelligence Report™: