You're here, great!

First, it's easy to do, but don't underestimate the power of this stuff.

Science has proven time and time again that doing things such as keeping a 'gratitude journal', or writing what went well, and what didn't, each day increases well-being and performance.

Unfortunately, much of this science is published and communicated by psychologists and let's say their messaging doesn't always appeal to technically-minded people! So here's my attempt to get you thinking about small things you can do which won't intrude on how you operate daily:

This article from McKinsey & Company suggests: "expressing gratitude to someone at least once a day", can: "improve mental health, renew energy ... and encourage self improvement". It includes many more practical tips on how to develop a compassionate leadership style, beneficial at any time but particularly during change or crisis.

Need convincing that reflection increases learning and productivity? Research by HEC Paris (a business school), explained below by one of the authors, suggests not only this but also that confidence improves.

Lastly, there's a wealth of material and recommendations about goal setting. However the approach championed by John Doerr is not only easy to apply but is proven to be extremely effective:

I hope you've found this interesting and helpful,
